Spring Place Elementary
"Home of the Tigers"

Dr. Amelia Brock - Principal
Email - amelia.brock@murray.k12.ga.us
Mr. Burt Ridley - Assistant Principal
Email - burt.ridley@murray.k12.ga.us
(706) 695-2525
Mailing Address:
2795 Leonard Bridge Rd.
Chatsworth, GA 30705

What is a Title I school?
In simple terms, Title I is a federal program that supports students. The federal government distributes money to schools that serve a large number of students that qualify for free or reduced meals. These funds are used to “supplement,” not “supplant,” the general educational experience.
All students who attend a Title I school receive the services paid for by Title I money. If a school spends Title I money on providing additional intervention teachers, then all students are eligible to receive intervention from those teachers (not just those who qualify for free or reduced meals).
How did Title I start?
Title I was one of the cornerstones of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty in 1965. According to the U.S. Department of Education, Title I was developed to help reduce gaps in educational achievement between students who are and are not low-income. Since then it has been incorporated into education law, including NCLB (2001) and ESSA (2015). Title I is now the largest federally funded assistance program offered to schools.
How does a school become a Title I school?
A school gains Title I status based on the percentage of students who qualify for free or reduced lunch. When 40% of students in a school qualify for free and reduced lunch, then the school is eligible for Title I benefits.
In order to qualify for free or reduced lunch, parents must complete forms that report their income to the government. A family that has an income that is 130% above the federal poverty line or lower receives free lunch. A family that is living at up to 185% above the poverty line receives reduced-price lunch.
How are Title I schools funded?
Title I is under Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), most recently updated by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in 2015. Title I funds are allocated through formulas that take into account the number of children eligible for free and reduced lunch and the state cost per student.
Are there benefits to being a Title I school?
The benefits to being a Title I school really depend on how the additional funds are spent.
Title I funds can be spent on anything that adds to the educational experience at a school, such as:
Enhancements to instructional programs
Additional staff to meet the needs of students and teachers
Certain teaching supplies or technology
Parental participation efforts
Pre-kindergarten activities
After-hour or summer programs